Frequently Asked Questions
Who is Farmington Caregivers?
Who does Farmington Caregivers serve and where do they provide their service?
Farmington Caregivers provide compassionate, quality care to clients of all ages, physical conditions and cognitive abilities. We offer a wide range of services including personal care, Alzheimer’s care, dementia care and companionship.
The areas we service include:
- Farmington
- Aztec
- Bloomfield
- Kirtland
- Shiprock
How long has your company been in business?
Newly renamed, Farmington Caregivers has been in business since 2016, providing in-home care to mainly seniors, but also people of all ages, physical conditions and cognitive abilities.
Farmington Caregivers’ business values are built from Bernadette’s vision of building a team of caring, dedicated professionals, who are genuinely concerned about our clients’ wellbeing and thrive on making a positive difference in their daily lives.
What is home care?
Home care is non-medical services provided in your home to maintain as much independence as possible. Farmington Caregivers assists clients of all ages who are recovering from illness or need assisted care in the home.
What is the difference between in-home care and home health?
Who can benefit from in-home care?
In-home care is the perfect solution for those who feel they need assistance with the activities of daily living. For example, Farmington Caregivers will assist you with personal care and wellbeing, preparing meals, grocery shopping and light house cleaning. Your family members will also benefit from in-home care, as it will give them peace of mind knowing you have the assistance and company of a caregiver in your home.
How will you find the right caregiver for me?
Firstly, we will come out and visit you in your home for a free consultation to determine your individual needs. This will enable us to prepare a custom care plan. Based on this care plan and your preferences, we will determine which of our caregivers would be best suited to meet your needs. The caregiver is taken through the care plan in detail. During the initial shifts, we will ensure that all your needs are met and that you have been matched with the right caregiver. We are available seven days a week should any concerns arise. You can rest assured we will work closely to ensure everything will run smoothly.
What sets you apart from other Caregiving Agencies?
What types of insurance cover your services?
Are your Caregivers bonded and insured?
Yes, our caregivers are fully bonded and insured. Farmington Caregivers holds professional liability insurance on our caregivers.
Can you explain more about your hiring process of caregivers and the screening process?
Do you provide continuing training for your Caregivers?
Yes, our caregivers are trained with every new client, depending on the needs of the client. The caregivers attend online classes monthly through Relias Academy. We also have monthly meetings where we do refreshers with our caregivers which may be revisiting basic skills, emergency procedures, HIPPA, adapting equipment for transfers, etc. We provide First Aid and CPR training by our on-staff, Certified Instructor.
How do you supervise your Caregivers?
Are you contactable outside business hours?
Yes, you can contact us 24/7. Our phones are forwarded to an on-call employee after daytime office hours.
Can I request information about your services and fees prior to the free initial consultation?
Yes, you certainly can. We can provide you with a brochure detailing our services. We can also discuss our rates with you upon request.