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When Older Family Members Resist Going to the Doctor
As people grow older, there are any number of things about which they grow wary. Sometimes that fear includes refusal to participate in regular health checkups – or even seek medical help when needs are more urgent. This allows the elder to avoid...
Everybody Needs Somebody
For older adults, social isolation is an all too common part of life. Many elders have lost spouses and live alone or have children and other family members who do not live close and cannot easily visit on a regular basis. Others are housebound due...
How to “Be” When You Are with Someone with Alzheimer’s
At those times when you encounter someone with Alzheimer’s is critical to create an environment and communication that best matches what that individual needs. It is impossible to read the mind of someone suffering from Alzheimer’s and different...
Respite Care Can be a Lifesaver – Yours
There are hundreds of thousands of loving family members whose primary responsibility every day is to take care of those who need them to survive. They are most often elderly parents, but sometimes more extended branches of the family tree. ...
Seven Steps for Keeping Your Senior Safe
Keeping those we love safe is among our highest priorities. And, since falling is the leading cause of injury among the 65+ age category, consider a few of the most common causes of falling and work toward eliminating them. Household Obstacles. ...